Looking at Advertising

WHY is it that there are so many negative issues about Self Esteem and Confidence in today's society? Although there may be many answers to this question, one very obvious one is simply...


For us to gain an understanding about the media and its  influences, we must understand a few things;
- That media forms are creatively constructed and are not real

-They are designed for a purpose, to send out a message to a particular audience.

-Not everybody consumes these messages in the same way. It can influenced on many factors such as, gender, race, and past experiences.
- The media can have a huge influence on society and can alter not only what we think about, but what view we have on it. This has been proven by many theorists, just look at the 'War of the Worlds' prank!
-Not all media influence is negative, much of it is positively putting out messages. For example, the QUIT anti-smoking campaign and 'Slip, Slop, Slap!'
It is important for media consumers (yep, we are all consumers in one way or the other) to understand how the media works and the extent of its influence on society.
Pepsi Advertisment
"Children of parents who smoke, get to heaven earlier." -Child Health Foundation

The Activity

To understand these influences, we must learn to de-construct  these messages. The next page offers a range of media advertisements that students can look at and answer questions about. It is a good idea to create a discussion during the lesson so that everybody can become media aware citizens.
Note: Some images may be unsuitable for younger audiences. Click here to continue.