
About Me:

My name is Kristy. I am currently studying primary school teaching at Deakin University (Melbourne) in my second year.

I have been interested in looking at confidence and self esteem in schooling since I was involved in a 'Young Ambassadors for Positive Body Image' program in year 10. This program was run by the Shire of Yarra Ranges and involved about 30 high school students from 13 different schools in the area. The students attended a workshop which addressed negative body image issues present in today's society such as anorexia, bulemia, unrealistic media (models, airbrushing etc), suicide, and low self esteem. They were then to go back to their schools to raise awareness of these issues by holding an event/workshop and promote positive body image, high self esteem and confidence among their peers.

My friend and I put together a workshop which we presented to a group of about 30 year 7 students.  My friend and I also had our 10 seconds of fame when a newspaper article was written in the Herald Sun about the issue. You can read it here:

Beauty Before Brains - Girls Tempted by Sex and Celebrity - Herald Sun

Reading the paper a couple of days later, my mum came accross an article written by Jill Singer who, to our horror had written a piece in rebuttle of the original (which, shall I add was not very nice!)

Proud to be Sexy and Brainy, So Lay off Spice - Herald Sun

So even though I know fair well that this article was merely a reporter doing her job (by picking on 15 year old girls in the national paper) I am still passionate about this issue and will be a major focus of mine as a teacher.

I decided to use this idea as the topic for my Wiki presentation for my EST430 unit as I had a lot of resources and ideas already and enjoy browsing through others that can be usefull for both the classroom and home.